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دانشگاه دامغان
دامغان، میدان دانشگاه، دانشگاه دامغان، کد پستی 3671645667
The Department of Geological Sciences seeks to answer some of the fundamental questions in earth science.
Geography provides a unique spatial perspective that seeks to explain patterns of differences and commonality across the human and natural environmen.
The School of Earth Sciences has been founded as the first faculty of Damghan University in 1992. Currently it has two departments including Department of Geology and Department of Geography. The Department of Geology offers undergraduate education in geology and graduate education in Petrology, Stratigraphy and Paleontology, Tectonics and Structural geology, Engineering geology, Economic geology, and newly founded Industrial minerals and rocks, while the Department of Geography provides undergraduate education in Geomorphology and graduate education in Land-use planning.
The school has laboratories and workshops including Petrography, Sedimentology, Photogeology and mapping, Paleontology, Tectonic modeling, Engineering geology and Geotechnics, GIS, and Entrepreneurship in geosciences, along with shared labs of instrumental analysis equipped with XRD, XRF, ICP-OES, and Field Emission SEM apparatuses.
Members of the School of Earth Sciences have strong backgrounds in implementing national projects. Moreover, there is great collaborations between the members and scientists from USA, Germany, Italy, Swiss, Spain, Australia, China, Japan, etc. In this regard, two MOU (memorandum of understanding) have been signed between the school and La Fondation Jules Thurman, Switzerland, and the University of Queensland, Australia.